Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Discover IF You Should Trade Your Desk Chair for a Ball?

Well if you missed my TV deput.. you can see it at the link below and I've included all the juicy tidbits about the benefits of sitting on the ball that got cut out! Enjoy :)

Jenny May Clermont is on a mission to spread the word about the benefits of sitting on a ball. Jenny May Clermont was featured on the 6pm Channel 13 news for an in depth story about sitting on a stability ball.

You may view the story on the WYNT.com website at

Sitting is one of the most biomechanically damaging positions we can put ourselves in yet most of us spend anywhere from 6-10 hours a day sitting. It may be behind a desk, in a car, or at the kitchen table, but when you total it all up I think it’s safe to say that most of us probably sit more than we stand.

When you sit for prolonged periods of time you actually start to weaken your core muscles in the abdomen as well as your gluteus muscles. Your core muscles are the muscles in your abdomen, glutes (butt) and back that support your trunk.

When you have a strong and stable core you are able to perform movements with your arms, legs and larger trunk muscles with ease. But as your core weakens from sitting you are likely to find that your stamina and range of motion become weakened and limited.

Often when I say ‘we are going to work on your core’, I’m rarely referring to your abdominal muscles but more often talking about performing exercises that will utilize your back, gluteus and abdominal muscles together in an effort to develop more core stability.

The advantage to spending some of your sitting time on a stability ball is that due to the unstable nature of the ball your body is forced to activate your core muscles and it encourages not only continuous strengthening of these muscle but it helps teach your body how to use the core (back, abdominals & gluteus) muscles synergistically.

While sitting on the ball, or active sitting, offers numerous benefits, it is an exercise. And if you are not used to sitting on the ball for prolonged periods of time you can easily over train your core and postural muscles.
I suggest you increase your time spent sitting on the ball gradually starting with 10-15minutes a day and building up from there.

If you are going to use the ball at your desk, be warned… You will break a sweat and you may experience the added side benefit of a little extra weight loss.
Prior to starting any lumbar stabilization program or performing any exercise on a stability ball you should first be assessed by your family physician and/or physical therapist. If you would like a specific plan to safely incorporate the use of a stability ball into your daily routine please contact me directly at jennymay@healththrufitness.com or 518-231-4834.


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